Tuesday, December 6, 2016


I haven't posted in awhile, but I don't think anyone really cares that much. :P

Anyways this is Lykos(Which means wolf)
He is my version of what a Wendigo looks like.

Here's his story (Sorry it's a bit long)

Lykos (Lee-kos)



Lanky, bipedal, a wolf with gray and white fur, malnourished, muscly, deer skull for the face, and glowing red eyes.


Solitary, curious, paranoid, talks to self, likes to play with animals, steals things

Forest near his village

Mindless, Canibal, Monster

Kleptomaniac, Schizophrenic

Strength, Improved smelling, Night vision, and Speed

He hears voices sometimes that make him paranoid

Trying to figure out his “Visions”, keeping the children the village safe

Back Story: 

Lykos, which means wolf, was a little boy in a Narrative American village. He had a stuffed rabbit he got as a baby that he carried everywhere. He named this rabbit Zomo. He had an older brother named Dre (Dray),Which means deer. One day when Lykos was nine he and Dre were playing in a field when a herd of bison was stampeding through the area. Dre was able to push Lykos behind a rock. Dre jumped onto Lykos covering him protecting him from the bison. Dre did not survive this. (Is this Loin King enough yet?) Lykos was upset for several months. He would sit in the family’s home and rarely left or ate. He would just sit there with his rabbit Zomo who had been damaged in the accident. Eventually he left the house. He liked to spend time near the woods with his rabbit. Nearly two years passed and Lykos appeared to have forgotten about his brother. He liked to sneak around the village and steal whatever he could get his hands on. When his parents approached him about the subject he would just blame it in the voices. His parents didn’t believe him. His parents decided to try and scare him into behaving because all the others in the village were upset with him. One night they sat him down and told him of the Wendigo. They said that the Wendigo protected the village from evil. The Wendigo watches over the village from the forest looking for all the naughty children. They warned him that if he didn’t stop stealing the Wendigo would take him. Lykos began to see the creature everywhere since he been told the story. His stealing habit was reduced, but on occasion he would take things before quickly returning them. When Lykos had turned fifteen his sightings of the Wendigo had nearly disappeared. The whole village wanted Lykos gone. He was robbing them all and with Lykos’ father being the chief no one could do anything about it. Lykos knew the people didn’t like him. So he began to plan his escape. Every night he would sneak into the woods being careful to not disturb the Wendigo, if it did exist. He found a cave one night and decided that is where he would stay. On his way back to the village he began to hear things. He stopped crouching down gripping the ax he brought just in case. A rabbit popped out of the bushes. The rabbit hopped right towards him. He pick the rabbit up and headed back to the village. He wanted to show this rabbit to his parents. When he tried his parents looked at him strangely. Lykos was confused. How could they not see the rabbit. It was right in his arms. He looked down at the rabbit confused. The rabbit looked back and him and it spoke, “You need to leave.” Lykos dropped the rabbit. His parents were very concerned and tried to help him, but he could not stay near that rabbit. He ran into the woods running into branches bushes. His father tried to go after him, but Lykos had much more practice running through the woods and he quickly lost his father. The next day he woke up in the cave he had found and made his way towards the pond he had found in his previous forest adventures. The rabbit emerged from the bushes again. The rabbit then raced over to the pond and Lykos chased after the rabbit. The rabbit jumped into the water and disappeared. Lykos looked down into the water to see that his form had completely changed. He was no longer human. His reflection showed the creature he had seen so often years ago. The rabbit appeared next to him again and Lykos looked at the rabbit then back into the water…. His reflection changed back into a human, but his body was still a wendigo. Lykos fell asleep that night only to wake up with no memory of his human life. He  would go about his days having glimpses of someone he knew dying near him, and living with people he didn’t remember. He would search around the forest with the rabbit which he felt compelled to call “Zomo”. During the night he would sneak around the village whenever possible to find things that reminded him of his “visions” and he would take those item back to his cave. He was always searching for what his visions meant. He wanted to know what they were. When the villagers came to the forest he would watch them closely. Sometimes the villagers would spot him and run away. He couldn’t understand why. The only thing he knew was that he needed to keep those villagers safe. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Doctor Fate

Hi! So I was trying to decide what to draw recently and so I resorted to my technique when I close my eyes and scribble then see what I can turn my scribbles into.

I know they aren't all that great, but they are scribbles. :D

After doing this for a few days I decided I wanted to draw Doctor Fate, the DC superhero. This is what I ended up with.

I'm super happy with the way he turned out. Well. Except for his hands.. I need to do a lot of practice there. :) I will probably redo this one on the computer and see how it turns out there.

Monday, September 26, 2016



I love this Digital Arts class so much. I've been working on quite a few things on Inkscape. I really don't have a problem with this program, but if you have a program you like better please recommend it in the comments. :)

You guys remember Curious George right? My little siblings have been watching it nonstop lately. Which got me thinking about the movie which got me thinking of "Upside Down" by Jack Johnson. I love that song. :) So I made this:

Childhood memories...

I was also watching Captain America: Civil War with my brother and made this while watching:

I still have to finish the shading, though. I really want to draw Ant-Man or Doctor Strange now. :P

I also came up with a Pokémon based off the design of Fennekin which I named Soron:

I made it for my sister. "It" is that the right term to use? Do pokémon have genders? I honestly know almost nothing about Pokémon.

At this point, I'm sure you are thinking "What does she do with her life?"

My answer is "I improve my drawing skills because I am bored out of my mind most of the time... And watch Game Theory ...and Film Theory. I like to know all the theories. They are good conversation starters for us socially awkward people."

I also traced Gaster from Undertale. This one was the very first thing I did on Inkscape after the tutorial.

If you didn't notice I also changed my signature for my pictures. I decided my full name takes up too much room.

Have a good day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I love Digital Arts

Okay! Well I hope everyone is having a good day!

I've been messing around on Inkscape a lot. I absolutely love this Digital Arts class. So here is my Week 3 Assignment.
Week 3 Assignment

-My foot's asleep...-

So anyways Just wondering.. Does anyone else still dress up for Halloween? Cause I do. I made my own Doctor Strange costume. (So excited for the movie!) Here is a picture:

Doctor Strange costume. I still have to make the Eye of Agamotto.

And here is my Deadpool costume from last year.

My mom didn't give me enough time to fix my mask before she took the picture that's why the neck looks funny.

 I love making my own costumes. I've made a Daredevil suit (The black one from the TV Show) and I have a Boba Fett helmet, and an Ant-man helmet. My younger siblings found my Ant-Man helmet though so I need to fix it.

Does anyone else watch The Flash?

I am so excited for season 3 to start! In celebration of the new Season coming out I've been drawing The Flash on Inkscape.

This one is also my Week 5 assignment.

I'm so proud on the way this one turned out.

 Well goodbye!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


This was just what I did to Moriarty(from Sherlock) one day when I got bored.
This is my drawing of Sans from Undertale.

I have a drawing app on my phone and I've been using it a lot lately.  Mostly because I got a pen that has a stylus on the end of it. (Whoever came up with that idea in a genius.) Anyways the app is called DoodleBuddy. I got it a long time ago for my little siblings to play with. As I said I've been messing with it lately, but I'm looking for a more advanced app to use. (Mostly one with the paint bucket tool filling these pictures in is a pain.)  

This is my drawing of a Clone Trooper.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Art Promts

Hey! I found this website and thought maybe someone could use it. :)  It gives you an idea of what to draw. :P If you're like me and have issues deciding what to draw maybe this could be useful.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Welcome to My Blog!

Hi! My name is Meg Weir. I live in Kaysville, Utah. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters, and I am the third child. I'm 15 and I love Marvel. I love the Marvel movies and comics. I love drawing. I draw a lot of superheroes. I do occasionally draw dinosaurs too. I taught myself braille and the pigpen cipher because I got bored one day. I love music. Andy Grammer is one of my favorite artists. I love older songs as well. The Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack has some of my favorite songs.

Here are some pictures of my art:

 This is my drawing of Smaug. 

 This is my drawing of Deathstroke and Deadpool. 

And this is my drawing of Ant-Man. 

I've never done digital art before, but I have always wanted to try it. I'm so excited for this class!