Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I love Digital Arts

Okay! Well I hope everyone is having a good day!

I've been messing around on Inkscape a lot. I absolutely love this Digital Arts class. So here is my Week 3 Assignment.
Week 3 Assignment

-My foot's asleep...-

So anyways Just wondering.. Does anyone else still dress up for Halloween? Cause I do. I made my own Doctor Strange costume. (So excited for the movie!) Here is a picture:

Doctor Strange costume. I still have to make the Eye of Agamotto.

And here is my Deadpool costume from last year.

My mom didn't give me enough time to fix my mask before she took the picture that's why the neck looks funny.

 I love making my own costumes. I've made a Daredevil suit (The black one from the TV Show) and I have a Boba Fett helmet, and an Ant-man helmet. My younger siblings found my Ant-Man helmet though so I need to fix it.

Does anyone else watch The Flash?

I am so excited for season 3 to start! In celebration of the new Season coming out I've been drawing The Flash on Inkscape.

This one is also my Week 5 assignment.

I'm so proud on the way this one turned out.

 Well goodbye!

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